Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hair Growth Weirdness

Today I had a friend and long time client ask me if I had knicked her big fluffy dog; an australian shepherd.  We always shave this dog down to merely no hair but not with his skin showing.  So, she continued to explain her concern.  She said near both hip bones he has hair turning in a circle.  And as I giggled listening to her I let her know that all that was is the hair growth.  Believe me, it's weird.  But, hair can change pattern anywhere.  I grooming a dog years ago; a little Shih Tzu.  She was adorable.  Her mom said to me one day "oh, it looks like Dede went a little shorter here under your neck".  In reality, the hair grew upward under the neck and downward everywhere else.  The hair growth is usually going down with the hair growth.  But, when hair goes the opposite direction or in a circle in the middle of nowhere it causes the cut to be shorter when the blade we use continues to go down stroke with the hair.  If we go against the grain of hair growth, the cut is shorter.
So, I told my friend/client that the spirals on both hips were change in hair growth.  I could hear how she dropped her chin and just said "NOW THAT IS WEIRD"  haha.  I thought it was hilarious.  But, it's just like a Ridgeback.  Ever hear of one of those pets?  Well, that's what they are known for; the ridgeback is hair growing against the grain causing the ridge.  Very Interesting!

To our hair growth weirdness.

Thank you,
Dede Croy

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