Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Collapsed Trachea - Response

Initial Email from a Youtube watcher

I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my 11 month old shih tzu with what the doctor sais is collapsed trachea. She did that reverse sneezing thew odd time, but right after she was finished, she went back intoplaying. I had no warning. I walked her fridaynight at 11. and at 4 inthe morning I woke to her squeel. I rushed her to the hgospital where she died. I dontknow how she could go downin 3hours. Do you have any advicefor me. Also, If I buy anotherloved one. what should I check for? tyfor yourinfo.. my sypathies to you intheloss of your familymember..Rick
Reponse from My Favorite Groomer:
I am so so sorry for your loss.  Was this recent!  My heart goes out to you!  I acutally am about to go through the same thing with Duke's Brother Sueii who is almost 15 years old.  His coughing has gotten severe.  Some things I would do would in clude getting a choke free harness (I sell these for 20$) they are a way to walk small breeds without pulling on the neck.  I would put the rabies tag and city tag on the choke free harness and not have my pets wear a collar.  I would let there be rambunxious play at a younger age but I would not allow it to happen for 30 minutes straight.  I would not have multiple surgeries on my pet; a couple dentals in a life time and good dental hygiene cleaning at home with rawhide bones for chewing.  I would pick up my pet when he / she gets too excited when I get home.  I would put my pet in a comfortable place while he / she is waiting for me as to not cause too much excitement.  Kennel training is optimal especially when they are seniors and you can't incorporate a kennel then. 
I hope these tips help.  I would get a shihtzu again and I would change a few things I did but they are the greatest dogs ever. 
I'm so sorry for your loss,
Your friend,
Dede Croy

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