Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pets Hate their Tails Groomed

I was grooming a pet yesterday and as I was shaving down it's tail to match the entire body's shave I remembered how much pets hate their tails messed with.  Their as bad with their feet as their tails.  I think the philosophy I have found is all the nerves in our body end in our tails or feet.  So, they are much more sensitive.  Maybe they don't end there but there are more there.  So, when a client hasn't brushed their pet in months and the tail is thickly tangled or if we just do a shave down and match the tail to the body.  Know that 99% of the time your pet HATES it.  They will swing the tail whipping it back and forth from me.  Or pull it under themselves as if to hide it from my clippers or brush.  It's hilarious.  Every once in awhile I'll get a dog that wants to bite me or attack me aggressively just by pulling the tail out from under him/her.  In those cases muzzles are my lifesaver.  Even though muzzles are not a 100% fix in the situation.  It does help to let me get in where I need to and do the work quickly without truly getting a full bite.


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