Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wash your pet collars today

I think that pet collars are sometimes the last thing we think about when it comes to cleaning the house or doing the laundry or grooming your pet for that matter.  But, when folks come into the groom shop and the collar for their pet is embossed in thick film that's similar to paste, I usually let them know they can wash their pets collar.  So, here is what I would do when attempting to wash my pets collar.  First, if you have an old tooth brush that will work great.  Take a small bowl of some sort fill it with water and a table spoon of laundry detergent and dip the dogs collar in it and scrub the collar clean with the toothbrush.  Then rinse well and let sit over night in water.  Then rinse the next day and hang dry.  Wala, a clean pet collar.  By the way, having a spare collar is a definite if you have a pet that is outside full time so the pet can have a clean collar on in case your pet runs away.  Also, an ID tag is ideal.  Contact me if you need a good one that won't degrade over time.  We sell the best!  Also, I personally do not leave my dogs collar on all day.  He is an inside pet and I feel the strain for an everyday isn't needed.  However, he has it on every time we go out to the dog park or social event or for a ride. 
Thank you,
Dede Croy

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