My boyfriend has a beautiful long haired tortoise shell cat, he got her from someone that was mistreating her and leaving her outside, not feeding her, etc. We are not sure how old she is and/or if she has had her shots. She is very happy now, purring, playful, etc. She seems to have fleas and some spots on her skin that are irritated most likely from scratching. She is scratching a lot and we would like to have her basically shaved down, flea treated and let a new coat grow in fresh b/c her fur is so extremely fine it is just beyond repair we think and full of ickyness. Since we don't know if she has had her shots I assume we need to pay for those as well. How much would you say we are in for to do all that? She does have all her stickers still, so we think she will need to be sedated to do all that work.
Let me know via email if you can!
My Answer:
Glad you wrote. You have a lot on your hands! As badly as you'd like the coat gone from her due to the fleas the fleas to me is PRIORITY! The itchy skin is right. She's definitely uncomfortable and the fleas are multiplying. The hair loss is due to the fleas biting her and causing irritation. If hair loss is happening it tells you as the owner there are a LOT of fleas! So, first things first. One way or another as a pet lover and groomer this is what I'd do:
Come to my shop in Watauga or your local Vet may have it: 2 tablet of Capstar (24 hour fix to give you a head start on the fleas) ($7 plus tax each pill at my shop). Give her one of the tablets the day you are going to clean and spray your house / yard / and all areas the cat is in.
Give her the 2nd table the day before she comes in for grooming. Hopefully to offset grooming fleas cost (20$)
I would then treat your yard / house. Hometeam pest defense is awesome and can spray a very good chemical inside and outside of your house for FLEAS and be specific. (est. $100).
This weekend come to our vaccination clinic ( in grapevine or keller (click on low cost vaccinations on and get the cat vaccinated. If you are sure she needs to be sedated (we NEED to talk on the phone more) then call ABC Animal clinic where I groom on fridays and ask them what ALL vaccinations she NEEDS to be groomed Sedated there at the clinic so when you come to the low cost clinic you get ALL the vaccinations required to come to ABC animal clinic for a sedated groom. Also ask ABC animal clinic how much a sedation is going to run? (usually $75-$150). ABC Animal Clinics phone number is 817-332-8787.
While you're getting the vaccinations this weekend at one of the low cost events get the 6 month or 1 year supply of preventative for heart and fleas. You want to get 6 months or a year supply so that you don't miss any months. Missing a month could mean infestation all over. It's super cheap there. Depending on what ABC says you MUST have for your pet Vaccinations to groom your pet may fluctuate the price and I don't know what that'll be but get the list of Vaccinations your pet needs first and then check on the low cost vaccination link of the cost of the vaccinations.
Lastly, when you have time read about fleas online and here
I believe I have two newsletters about fleas. I will also publish mays newsletter soon and I will be talking about fleas and some other helpful tips I've learned over the last few years.
As far as grooming and shaving her down if we shave her down at the vet on top of all your other costs it's $75 plus tax. If she still has fleas add $20 plus tax to that.
It's a lot to do. Don't be overwhelmed educate yourself with all the options and do one thing at a time. But, getting the fleas off is essential. We like to imagine getting the fleas off just by shaving her when in fact that is still something we can do but I can shave her today and she'll go home and still get fleas on her if everything else isn't done. So, that's why I say flea treatment is ESSENTIAL right now for her health and comfort and for your home cleanliness too!
Hope this helps. A lot to take on. I know it all too well. People have been bringing fleas to me for years and they actually come home with me on occasion! So, I've done it all. Definitely read the newsletters and let me know what else I can do for you when you are ready.
Dede Croy
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